Misty Loman’s Mugshots Don’t Tell The Full Story

by John Eshan

Misty Loman became a viral sensation after her mugshots went online. The sheriff of Wisconsin published her pictures to warn people about the dangers of drugs. But the photos didn’t reveal her entire story. She was suffering from autoimmune diseases like Scleroderma, Lupus disease, and bone cancer. These tragedies left her broken in mind, body, and spirit.

Her Mugshots Went Viral

When Wisconsin sheriff Adam Bieber shared mugshots of Misty Loman online, they went viral and garnered massive attention. Her photo became the face of meth addiction, and her condition touched hearts across the world. However, her mugshots didn’t tell the whole story. The woman was suffering from rare diseases that contributed to her deteriorating appearance. Misty’s life had been filled with tragedies, including the death of two sons. She had been battling with bone cancer and was going through chemotherapy, which caused her to lose her hair and weight. In addition, she also suffered from lupus panniculitis and scleroderma. These diseases caused her skin to harden, making her gaunt appearance even more noticeable.

She was arrested in 2019 for using meth. She was found in possession of drugs, including marijuana and heroin. She was also in possession of crushed Zofran, a medication used to prevent nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy. She was released on bail, but she later relapsed. After her mugshots went viral, people began to comment on her condition and shame her for her choices. Some were very critical of her, while others were supportive and encouraging. Many people also shared their personal experiences with drug addiction. They encouraged others to get help for their problems.

Despite her difficult circumstances, Misty Loman is a positive person. She tries to stay motivated daily by her faith and believes that God is there for everyone, even at their weakest points. She has also started to focus on self-care and spreads the message of self-love. Some of her friends and family members have come forward to defend her against the vilification that has followed her mugshot photos. They claim that Loman’s appearance is not only due to her drug use but also because of the rare disease she suffers from. Scleroderma causes the skin and connective tissue to harden, and it is more common in women between ages 30 and 50. This condition is also responsible for the drastic changes in her appearance. It’s important to understand that drugs can affect a person’s body in various ways, and the impact of these substances is long-lasting.

She Lost Three Children

Misty Loman’s struggle with drugs started when she lost her children. She had fallen pregnant with twins, but one of them died in the womb, and the other passed away 28 days after birth. The loss of her children was a breaking point for Loman, who began using drugs to deal with the pain she felt. She later confessed that her intention to live had gone away, and she wanted to escape from reality. When her mugshots went viral, most people judged her and blamed her for ruining her life. They didn’t know that her appearance was due to a serious illness called lupus and scleroderma, which changes the body’s appearance. People who knew her warned them not to circulate the photos without verifying the backstory.

Loman’s brother has been able to help her through these tough times, and she is now sober and enjoying life again. She has regained her faith in God and is spreading the message of self-care to other people.

She has 6,000 followers on her Facebook page, where she shares her recovery journey. She also posts about her family, including her nephew. She seems to love her nephew very much. She also encourages people to believe in God through her Facebook updates. Misty Dawn Loman was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky. She is married to Gary Glass Jr. She has two sons, Corey and Jacob, who seem to be close to her. She is a former police officer and a graduate of Bowling Green High School.

Misty’s story has touched the hearts of many people around the world. Her battle with addiction was a difficult one, but she never gave up hope. Eventually, she reclaimed her dignity and is now a proud mother. She now advocates for mental health and is an advocate for women’s rights. She is also an author and has a YouTube channel where she discusses her personal experiences. She hopes that her story will inspire others to recover from drug addiction. She is living proof that miracles do happen. The right support can make a huge difference in your life.

She Turned To Drugs

After Misty Loman lost three of her children, she fell into a deep depression and turned to drugs. She started using cocaine, opium, and marijuana to try and cope with the loss. Her drug use began to take a toll on her body and she ended up with a skin condition called scleroderma. Her face became distorted and her skin was covered with scars. She was unable to sleep, and she threw up all the time. She was eventually arrested and sent to jail. Afterward, she had a relapse and started using heroin again. She was in and out of jail several times, and her health deteriorated. She was unable to take care of her children and eventually lost all her property. She also suffered from extreme stress and pain due to her medical problems.

Misty Loman had a very rough life, but she managed to overcome her drug addiction and get back on her feet. She now helps other people who are struggling with similar problems. She is also working on a project to help other victims of child abuse. Misty is a Kentucky native and has two sons named Corey and Jacob. She is currently married to Gary Glass Jr. Her story gained interest after mugshots of her went viral. However, her public image was shattered after she was arrested and incarcerated.

After she was released from jail, her mugshots were posted on social media and her appearance startled many people. Initially, the mugshots were intended to discourage others from using meth. However, the sheriff failed to mention that her unusual appearance was due to a long battle with substance abuse. Misty Loman is now clean and has regained her health and her life. She is now active on social media and is sharing her story with the world. Her story is an inspiration to anyone who is suffering from substance abuse. She is also encouraging people to love themselves and be proud of who they are. Her journey from a meth addict to a healthy person is inspiring to many.

She Is Clean

Misty Loman is a woman who has seen some of life’s worst tragedies. Her story went viral in 2019 when a sheriff from Wisconsin posted her mugshots online to discourage people from using drugs. She had lost her children, her home, and her health. She had a painful battle with various diseases, including scleroderma and bone cancer. These diseases made her skin dark and she lost all of her hair. She was at rock bottom, and she did not believe that she could recover. Her mugshots showed her emaciated state, but they didn’t mention anything about her underlying conditions. Many people assumed that her appearance was caused by drug use, and she was ridiculed for ruining her life. But she fought back and managed to get her life together. She has two older sons, Corey and Jacob, who support her and are trying to help her get clean.

During her low period, she found solace in God’s word and prayer. She is now sober for twenty-eight months, and she says that she is grateful to be alive. She hopes that her journey will inspire others to overcome addiction by taking one day at a time. Her story is a testament to the power of the Bible.


When the mugshots of Misty Loman went viral, most people assumed that she was a drug addict. But the sheriff who posted the photos failed to mention her underlying condition, which is scleroderma, lupus, and bone cancer. These conditions have caused her skin to harden and shrink, making her look like a skeleton. After her mugshots went viral, she was able to find treatment at the Sisters in Sobriety center. After completing the treatment program, she is now living a normal life with her family and her dog. She has also become a motivational speaker to encourage others to stay sober. Misty’s story shows that recovery is possible, even for those who have lost everything. She credits her survival to her faith in Jesus Christ. She is a true inspiration to anyone who is struggling with addiction.

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