“The Art Of Cornhole: 30 Captivating Team Names To Enhance Your Game”

by James William


Cornhole, a popular backyard game enjoyed by people of all ages, has gained immense popularity over the years. A significant aspect of the game is having a catchy and creative team name that reflects your team’s spirit and camaraderie. In this article, we present you with 30 captivating cornhole team names that will add an extra element of fun to your gameplay. So, gather your friends, grab your cornhole boards, and let’s explore these exciting team names!

“Bagging Rights”:

A clever play on words that emphasizes the competitive nature of the game while adding a touch of humor.

“Corn Stars”:

Combining the main ingredient of the game with the idea of stardom, this name brings a touch of glamour to the cornhole court.

“Hole Patrol”:

A team name that exudes confidence and implies mastery of the game, showing your opponents that you mean business.

  1. “Cornholio”: Inspired by the famous animated character Beavis from “Beavis and Butt-Head,” this name adds a hilarious and nostalgic touch to your team’s identity.
  2. “Corn Ambassadors”: Highlighting your team’s dedication to spreading the joy of cornhole, this name reflects a sense of community and positivity.
  3. “Baggin’ and Braggin'”: A playful name that conveys the pride and satisfaction derived from successfully landing bags in the cornhole.
  4. “Sack Attack”: An energetic team name that showcases your team’s ability to deliver powerful and accurate throws.
  5. “Cornhole Crushers”: A name that emphasizes your team’s knack for dominating the game and leaving opponents in awe.
  6. “Holey Moley”: This light-hearted name adds a fun and whimsical touch to your team’s image, creating a sense of camaraderie.
  7. “Bag Brigade”: A name that symbolizes teamwork and unity, highlighting your team’s determination to achieve victory together.


Choosing the perfect cornhole team name is an exciting part of the game that allows you to express your team’s personality and create a sense of camaraderie. The names suggested in this article encompass a range of themes, from witty wordplay to confident expressions of skill. Whether you’re a casual group of friends or a competitive cornhole team, these team names will enhance your gameplay experience and add an extra layer of fun and excitement.


  1. How important is a team name in cornhole? While a team name doesn’t directly impact your gameplay skills, it plays a crucial role in establishing team identity, boosting morale, and creating a sense of camaraderie among team members. A catchy and creative team name can also generate excitement among opponents and spectators, making the game more enjoyable for everyone involved.
  2. Can I change my team name after I’ve already started playing? Absolutely! Your team name is not set in stone. If you feel like rebranding or coming up with a new name that better represents your team’s spirit, you’re free to do so. Just make sure to inform your fellow teammates and update any relevant materials or online profiles associated with your team.
  3. What are some tips for creating a unique and memorable team name? To create a unique and memorable team name, consider the following tips:
  • Incorporate wordplay or puns related to cornhole or bags.
  • Reflect your team’s personality, values, or interests.
  • Use alliteration or rhymes to make the name more catchy.
  • Keep it concise and easy to remember.
  • Avoid offensive or inappropriate language to maintain a respectful and inclusive atmosphere.

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